Breastfeeding Support
Helping to establish a nourishing bond
Lactation Consultation is perfect for new moms who are seeking in-person assistance with breastfeeding. Basic breastfeeding consultations are done in the privacy of your own home or my office and can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you.
Camilla is a Certified Lactation Counselor with the American Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice. She offers hands-on support and education that encourages early initiation and increased duration of breastfeeding with your newborns.
Initial Visit (1.5 – 2 hours) includes:
Review of maternal and infant health history, birth and breastfeeding experience to date
Physical assessment including mother’s breasts and baby’s oral and structural anatomy
Weight check for baby
Observation, assessment and hands-on assistance while feeding
A personalized and detailed breastfeeding care plan
A report to the mother’s physician and/or baby’s pediatrician, in some cases
Two weeks of follow-up care via text, email and/or phone as related to initial issue
Breastfeeding consulations forms available for download here
Follow-up Visits (45 min – 1 hour)
may be necessary/desired. These include:
Assessment of progress
Weight check for baby
Re-evaluation and updating of care plan
A report to the mother’s physician and/or baby’s pediatrician, in some cases
Two weeks of follow-up care via text, email and/or phone
Lactation Consultation
$125 first visit / $100 each additional visits
Services include:
Assessment of positioning and latch.
Gauge adequate milk transfer.
Calculate if baby is gaining weight appropriately.
Troubleshooting of breastfeeding or pumping issues.
Assistance with common issues that may arise such as:
Suggestions and techniques to alleviate sore nipples.
Show you when your baby is latched and feeding well.
Suggestions for how to achieve an abundant milk supply.
Address any breastfeeding concerns.
Following your consultation you will receive a copy of the lactation report, notes from your visit, and any recommendations or resources to help you at home.
In addition to offering basic breastfeeding support, I can help with:
Positioning and latch problems that may be contributing to pain or milk transfer issues
Sore or damaged nipples before, during and/or after a feed
Engorgement discomfort and subsequent latch challenges
Infant weight loss or slow gain
Sleepy babies
Babies who seem fussy all the time
Blocked ducts and/or Mastitis
Feeding with a history of breast surgery
Large, flat or inverted nipples
Low milk supply
Overactive let-down and/or fast flow
Feeding challenges due to gestational age at birth
Tongue restriction/Tongue-tie
Breastfeeding multiples
Bottle refusal
Returning to work